Counterfeit / replica / fake, from the Internet to the market fake designer goods are everywhere! The most common I would say are defiantly Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex watches and the Birkin Bag. It pretty obvious to spot when you see the primark clad girl suddenly holding a Birkin which costs thousands and has a waiting list. If you cannot afford the real thing then why go fake? The quality is much poorer, it contributes to organised crime and you just show yourself up! The idea of having an exclusive bag is being taken away by the fakes, and I am sick to death of seeing them plastered everywhere. You can get high street alternatives easily which look similar but aren't replicas eg Marc B bags and Chanel. Another thing which really annoys me about this is that the owners of such replica goods always seem to insist they have a 'Chanel bag', which is like saying I dressed my dog up as a cat so I have a cat, not true!! At the end of the day if you can't afford it don't buy it and don't go fake because you just end up looking trashy!
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